Who Makes Wolf Lawn Mower Engines

Are you in the market for a new lawn mower and curious about the engine that powers it? Look no further than Wolf lawn mowers and their reliable engines. But who exactly makes Wolf lawn mower engines? The answer is Briggs & Stratton, a company with a long history of producing high-quality small engines for …

Who Repairs Lawn Mowers In My Area

Are you struggling with a broken lawn mower and wondering who can fix it in your area? Look no further! There are several options available to you, from professional repair services to independent shops and friendly neighbors willing to lend a hand. If you’re in a rush and need your lawn mower fixed quickly, professional …

Who Makes Yard Force Lawn Mowers

Do you want a lawn mower that’s reliable, efficient, and easy to use? Look no further than Yard Force! But have you ever wondered who actually makes these top-notch mowers? Well, you’re in luck, because we’re here to give you the inside scoop on Yard Force and its manufacturers. First off, you should know that …

No Grass Left After Scarifying – Here’s Probably Why!

No Grass Left After Scarifying – Here’s Probably Why! Scarifying your lawn may seem like a daunting task, but when done correctly it can be hugely beneficial to the health of your grass. Unfortunately, one of the most common mistakes people make is to over-scarify their lawns which can lead to a complete lack of …

Newly Laid Turf Problems? Find Them Here!

Newly Laid Turf Problems? Find Them Here! As a turfgrass management consultant, I’m often asked about newly laid turf problems. With the increasing popularity of synthetic turf, more and more people are choosing to lay new turf in their yards. It’s important to understand the potential risks that come with this decision, and how to …

Temperature For Grass Growth? Find Out Here!

Temperature For Grass Growth? Find Out Here! As an agronomist, it is essential to understand the effects of temperature on grass growth. The right temperature can lead to healthier and more vibrant grass, while too little or too much can cause serious issues. In this article, I will discuss the ideal temperatures for grass growth …

Grass Cutting Height Chart UK? Find It Here!

Grass Cutting Height Chart UK? Find It Here! Keeping your grass in top condition has never been easier. The UK government has issued a ‘Grass Cutting Height Chart’ to help you determine the ideal height for your lawn. This guide provides a comprehensive view of the different cutting heights which are suited to different types …

Stop Foxes Pooing In Garden? Find Out Here!

Stop Foxes Pooing In Garden? Find Out Here! Foxes are a common sight in many gardens across the world. While they may be beautiful animals, their presence can be disruptive and even damaging, particularly when it comes to their pooing habits. As wildlife conservationists and biologists, we understand the importance of protecting wildlife – but …

Scarified Lawn Looks Terrible? Find Out Why!

Scarified Lawn Looks Terrible? Find Out Why! Are you fed up with the way your lawn looks? Has your grass been scarified once too often? Do you feel like it’s never going to look good again? If so, don’t despair – I’m here to tell you that there is hope! As a lawn care expert …

What Temperature Does Grass Stop Growing? Find Out Here!

What Temperature Does Grass Stop Growing? Find Out Here! As a horticulturist, I get asked a lot of questions about grass. One of the most common ones is: what temperature does grass stop growing? Understanding how temperature affects the growth of grass is essential for anyone who wants to keep their lawn healthy and vibrant. …

Electric Vs Petrol Lawn Mower? Which Is The Best Find Out Here!

Electric Vs Petrol Lawn Mower? Which Is The Best Find Out Here! Choosing between electric and petrol lawn mowers can be a real headache. As a lawn care specialist, it’s my job to make sure that you get the right mower for your needs. In this article, we’ll explore the differences between electric and petrol …

What Stops Cats Pooping On The Lawn? Find Out Here!

What Stops Cats Pooping On The Lawn? Find Out Here! If you’re a cat owner, you know the frustration of having your lawn littered with cat poop. Not only is it messy and unsightly, but it can also be hazardous to the health of both your pets and your family. Fortunately, there are several steps …

Do You Need A License To Drive A Lawn Mower? Find Out Here!

Do You Need A License To Drive A Lawn Mower? Find Out Here! Are you looking to mow your lawn this summer? Have you ever thought about whether or not you need a license to drive a lawn mower? It’s an interesting question that many people have asked over the years, and it’s worth taking …

How To Make Lawn Green And Thick? Find Out Here!

How To Make Lawn Green And Thick? Read on Do you want your lawn to look lush and inviting? Do you dream of having a thick, green carpet of grass in your backyard? If so, then this article is for you! Here, we’ll discuss how to make your lawn green and thick. We’ll cover the …

Rotary Or Hover Mower – Which Is The Best? Find Out Here!

Rotary Or Hover Mower – Which Is The Best? Find Out Here! Are you torn between a rotary or hover mower for your lawn? You’re not alone! With so many different types of lawnmowers available, it can be difficult to decide which is best for you. But don’t worry – we’re here to help. In …

How To Stop Dogs Pooping In My Garden? Find Out Here!

How To Stop Dogs Pooping In My Garden? Find Out Here! Every pet owner has experienced the frustration of dealing with their dog’s mischievous behavior, especially when it comes to pooping in the garden. It’s an annoying problem that can be difficult to address. So if you’re wondering how to stop your pup from leaving …

How To Stop Dog Fouling Outside My House? Stop The Annoyance Now!

How To Stop Dog Fouling Outside My House? Read on.. Dog fouling outside your house can be a real nuisance. Not only is it unpleasant to look at, but it can also create a health hazard – not to mention the fact that cleaning up after your pet can be tedious and time-consuming. But don’t …

What Time Can I Legally Mow My Lawn In The UK? Check Before You Mow!

What Time Can I Legally Mow My Lawn In The UK? Read on.. Are you a green-thumbed Brit looking to get your lawn in check? Trying to figure out the legal hours for mowing your lawn in the UK? We’ve got you covered! In this article, we’ll be providing an outline of the regulations around …

Flymo Warranty – What You Need To Know!

Flymo Warranty – What You Need To Know! It’s every homeowner’s nightmare – your flymo suddenly stops working. You may be wondering what your warranty covers and how much it will cost you to fix the problem. Don’t stress, we’ve got you covered! In this article, we’ll provide a comprehensive overview of flymo warranties, so …

How To Remove Moss From Tarmac? Find Out Here!

How To Remove Moss From Tarmac? Find Out Here! Moss can be an unsightly nuisance on tarmac. From driveways to sidewalks, moss can stick around and make your home look outdated and unkempt. If you’re looking for a way to remove the moss from your tarmac without damaging it, then you’ve come to the right …

Best Lawn Edging Ideas UK – Find Your Inspiration Here!

Best Lawn Edging Ideas UK – Find Yours Here! Are you looking for the best lawn edging ideas for your garden in the UK? Well, look no further! In this article, we will bring you some of the best and most creative ideas to make your lawn stand out from the crowd and give your …

How To Know When Lawn Mower Bag Is Full? Some Useful Tips For You!

How To Know When Lawn Mower Bag Is Full? Mowing the lawn is a mundane but necessary chore that many of us do. Knowing when to empty the bag on the mower is an important factor for getting a clean cut lawn, but it can be difficult to know when it’s full. How To Know …

Why Does The Lawn Mower Leave Clumps Of Glass Behind – Find Out Here!

Why Does Your Mower Leave Clumps Of Grass Behind? A well-mowed lawn is a staple of any garden, but one can run into many problems while trying to maintain it. One such problem you might be struggling with is your mower leaving behind clumps of grass – this is a common problem, and one with …

The Benefits Of Mulching Grass – Should You Mulch Or Not?

Our Ultimate Guide To Mulching Your Lawn – Is It Worth It? If you’ve ever wondered why your neighbour’s grass looks so healthy and green, almost like a golf course, then it’s probably because they mulch their lawn.  Mulching is an excellent way to recycle your grass clippings and use them as organic matter on …

How Much Does It Cost To Hire A Lawn Mower? Easy Guide – Read It Here!

How Much Does It Cost To Hire A Lawn Mower? Having a lawn is absolutely incredible, but sometimes it can be tricky to maintain them.  Maybe you’re too busy, or there’s so much growth or damage that you have difficulty handling yourself. Whatever your reason is, hiring lawn mowing services will definitely make your life …

Can You Fix A Lawn Mower Wire? Should You? Find Out Here!

Can You Fix A Lawn Mower Wire? It’s frustrating to have your lawnmower cable suddenly cut, and you can’t use your mower even though the engine’s perfectly fine.  Obviously, the first option that comes into mind is not replacing the unit but fixing the mower cable.  And, yes, you definitely can fix it – but …

Can You Use Mixed Gas In A Lawn Mower? Find Out Here!

Can You Use Mixed Gas In A Lawn Mower? Straight off the bat, the answer is it depends on the engine of your lawn mower.  Lawn mowers can either have 2 stroke engine or a 4-stroke engine. Each uses a different gasoline formula. One can tolerate mixed gas just fine, and one will be damaged. …

Which Way To Tilt Lawn Mower? Read Here!

The best way to tilt a lawnmower is to hold the handle down while turning the blade clockwise. This will prevent the grass from getting caught between the blades and causing damage.  When you are tilting your lawnmower, make sure that you do not turn the lawnmower blade nuts counterclockwise. Before You Start Before you …

What Is A Hydro Lawn Mower? Read Here!

Hydro lawn mowers use water pressure to cut grass. They are usually self-propelled and have a tank of water that runs through a hose to the cutting blade. Hydro lawn mowers are great for areas with poor drainage because the water keeps the grass moist, making it easier to cut. Can You Push a Hydrostatic …

How To Reseat A Lawn Mower Tire? Our Guide Here!

It is recommended that you check the manual for your lawnmower to see how to reseat the tire. The first thing you should do is take off the wheel cover. The next step would be to remove the old tire. Next, you should clean the inside of the rim with a rag or paper towel. …

What Is A Recycler Lawn Mower? Find Out Here!

A recycler lawn mower is a type of Lawnmower that will pick up grass and clippings and then recycle them back to the lawn. This is a great tool for anyone with a large yard who doesn’t want to pull weeds out. It also works great for allergies because the grass and clippings are not …

Where Do You Spray Starter Fluid On A Lawn Mower? Read Here!

The starter fluid is sprayed on the carburettor to clear out the accumulated residue from burning fuel. It also helps prevent the engine from seizing. Where To Spray Starting Fluid On Riding Lawn Mower Start the engine, then spray some starter fluid into the carburettor. Adjust the engine speed by hand until you get the …

What Is The Decibel Level Of A Lawn Mower? Let’s Find Out!

The sound level of a lawnmower is usually between 75 to 85 decibels. How Loud Is It Walking Behind A Lithium Battery Lawn Mower? A lithium battery-powered lawn mower can be heard from 100 feet away. However, if you are walking behind the machine, it will not be as loud as running on its power. …

Do Lawn Mower Blades Make Good Knives? Let’s Find Out!

Can you Make a Knife from Lawn mower Blades? It is possible to sharpen a lawnmower blade and use it as a knife, but it would be difficult to do so. The sharpness of a blade depends on the hardness of the steel, the angle of the cutting edge, and how well the steel is …

How To Put Out A Lawn Mower Fire? Our Guide Here!

How do you Put out a Lawn mower Fire? Two methods work well to extinguish a lawn mower fire. The first method is to use a fire extinguisher. If you don’t have one nearby, you can try to smother the fire with a heavy blanket or towel. If you have an extinguisher handy, spray it …

How To Replace A Recoil Spring On A Lawn Mower? Easy Guide – Read Here!

How To Replace A Recoil Spring On A Lawn Mower? Are you here because you’re having problems starting your lawn mower? Had a hard time pulling the cord, heard a weird sound, and now the cord is stuck and not going back? Don’t fret; we got you.  While taking your machine to a professional mechanic …

When To Replace Lawn Mower Belt And How? Complete Guide – Read Here!

When To Replace Lawn Mower Belt? Lawnmowers are handy tools that help us keep our lawns neat. We should take care of them by making sure they’re well maintained.  A lawn mower uses a belt to turn the blade. The blade turns at high speed, which causes friction between the blade and the belt. Over …

Can You Use Synthetic Motor Oil In A Lawn Mower? Easy Guide – Find Out Here!

Can You Use Synthetic Oil in a Lawn Mower? Straight to the point – yes, you can use synthetic oil in your lawn mower. As long as your lawn mower’s owner’s manual says it is compatible. This is especially true for two-stroke or two-cycle engines. These engines should only be used with the specified oil …

Can You Start A Lawn Mower Without The Pull String? Easy Options – Find Out Here!

Starting A Lawn Mower Without The Pull String Lawn mowers are very useful tools for homeowners who want to keep their grass neat. They come in various sizes and shapes, and some even include attachments such as edgers and trimmers. That said, different lawn mowers work differently, so there’s no one answer to the question, …

Can You Use STP Gas Treatment For A Lawn Mower? – Easy Guide. Read Here!

Can You Use STP Gas Treatment For A Lawn Mower? Mowing lawns is important. It keeps the grass healthy and eliminates some of the pests from it. Having a well-maintained and well-performing lawn mower is essential to achieving the best results. Poor quality of gasoline causes problems with lawn mower performance. Basically, bad fuel = …

Can A Lawn Mower Spread Fungus? Find Out Here!

Can A Lawn Mower Spread Fungus? Mowing your lawn is an essential part of keeping the grass healthy.  Unfortunately, if you don’t clean your lawnmower regularly, it can spread the fungus.  Fungi are parasites that infect plants. They use the host plant as a place to reproduce. They need a host plant to survive and …

What To Do If Your Lawn Mower Starts Smoking? – Easy Guide

What To Do If Your Lawn Mower Starts Smoking? Seeing smoke coming out of an engine is always scary, especially if it’s from a potentially dangerous machine such as a lawn mower. Lawn mowers shouldn’t smoke when you start them up. A lawn mower should be able to run without smoking.  Was your lawn mower …

Can I Use Unleaded Petrol In A Lawn Mower? Find Out Here!

Yes, you can use unleaded petrol in a petrol lawnmower. However, it is not recommended to use it because it can cause the engine to burn out quickly. It is better to use diesel fuel in a lawn mower because it is more durable than petrol. What’s The Best Petrol For My Lawn Mower? E …

What Causes Lawn Mower To Surge? Read Here!

Lawn mowers are powered by gas, electric or diesel engines. The gas engine is the most popular. When you start a lawn mower, it must be properly primed or charged before it will run. The primer pumps fuel into the engine and allows it to start. This can cause a surge if the lawn mower …

What Is A Brushless Lawn Mower? What Does It Mean? Let’s Find Out!

A brushless lawn mower is an electric motor that does not need a commutator to convert electricity to mechanical power. It has a direct-drive motor without brushes or commutators. This means that brushless motor is much more efficient than traditional motors. It also produces less heat application and runs quieter than a traditional motor. How …

Do I Need A Circuit Breaker For Lawn Mower? Let’s Find Out!

You don’t need a circuit breaker for your lawn mower. However, if your home has a circuit breaker, you might be able to use it. If you have a regular wall outlet with a plug attached, it’s possible that you could use it. Can you get electrocuted by a lawn mower? No, you can’t get …

How To Fix Dry Rotted Lawn Mower Tires? Read Here!

What is dry rotted lawn mower tire? Like most people, you probably don’t give much thought to your lawn mower tires. But if they’re dry and cracked, they can cause big problems. This article will show you how to fix dry rotted lawn mower tires and restore your mower to full functionality. Can you repair …

How A Lawn Mower Transaxle Works? Read Here!

Lawn mower Transaxle Function A lawn mower has a lot of moving parts. The most important of which is the engine. But what about all of the other parts?  The transaxle is the part of the lawn mower that transfers power from the engine to the cutting blades. It comprises several gears, and it can …

Are Lawn Mower Ignition Coils Interchangeable? Find Out Here!

Interchangeable Lawn Mower Ignition Coils You may have a lawnmower that needs a new ignition coil. You may also have an extra ignition coil lying around your garage. Are the coils interchangeable? The short answer is yes; ignition coils are interchangeable. However, there are some things you need to take into consideration before making the …

Do Lawn Mower Belts Stretch? Read Here!

What You Need to Know about Lawn Mower Belts People often ask if the belts on lawn mowers stretch. The answer is yes, but how much they stretch depends on many factors. There’s nothing worse than getting ready to mow your lawn and discovering that your lawn mower belt has stretched and broken. This means …

Are Lawn Mowers Dangerous? Let’s Find Out!

Lawn Mower Safety It’s no secret that lawn mowers are one of the most common pieces of equipment around the home, and while they are very convenient, they can also be dangerous. In this blog post, we will look at some of the dangers associated with lawn mowers and how to avoid them. Common injuries …

Are All Lawn Mower Spark Plugs The Same Size? Are They Same As Car Plugs?

If you’re finding your spark plugs to be playing up recently, and are spending far too much time re-cranking them, then it’s about time you changed those plugs. You may be wondering which plugs to use; what are the right electric spark plugs/spark plug options for me to use for my lawn mower engines? Since …

Are Lawn Mower Engines Interchangeable? Find Out Here…

Are Lawn Mower Engines Interchangeable? If you’ve owned a mower for a few years, you may find that the power or cutting-effectiveness has dropped recently, and it just isn’t what it used to be. This is the case with many mowers, even the very expensive ones- eventually, deck/engine corrosion will take a toll and ruin …

How Does A Lawn Mower Mulcher Work? Use Your Grass Clippings Wisely!

If you’ve been doing a fair bit of research regarding gardening and other mower-related ideas, you’ve likely come across some unfamiliar terms such as bio-clipping, mulching, or recycling. In actuality, all of these terms revolve around the same central idea: feeding your earth. Mulching is a process in which you return, or feed, the mowed-off …

Are Mulching Lawn Mowers Good For The Lawn? Find Out Here..

What Are The Advantages & Disadvantages Of Using a Mulching Mower – Are They Worth It? Mulching mowers are proving to become a popular choice in the lawnmower industry, not only do these types of mowers avoid you having to keep emptying your grass box, but they have a huge variety of benefits for poor …

Can A Lawn Mower Explode? What Can I Do To Prevent It?

Can A Lawn Mower Explode? Read On To Find Out! Like most power tools on the market, any tool that has an engine or a motor has a risk of explosion due to poor maintenance.  All kinds of lawn mowers are no exception to this rule, although the chances of a battery-powered lawn mower exploding …

How Do Robot Lawn Mowers Work? Our Guide to Robotic Mowers!

Should I Get a Robot Lawn Mower & How Do They Work? With all the hustle and bustle of modern-day life, many of us don’t have time to push conventional lawn mowers around a lawn, especially if you have a large type of lawn as these challenging lawns require a lot of time.  This is …

How Do You Start A Lawn Mower In The Cold Weather? Our Guide

My Lawn Mower Is Not Starting In Cold Weather – Our Troubleshooting Guide! As temperatures drop during the seasons, you might find that the cold weather is having an impact on how your mower engine starts, stubborn mowers might restrict valves or even stop the oil flow.  To start a mower in cold weather, you …

Can You Drive A Riding Lawn Mower on The Road? Find Out Here!

Is It Possible To Take a Riding Mower Out On The Road? It is unlikely you will ever be faced with a situation where you have to take your riding mower out on the streets, but if you do have to so as you can get your mower from one place to the other, you …

Can A Lawn Mower Get Flooded? Here’s Our Guide On How To Fix It

Is My Lawn Mowers Engine Flooded? – Our Troubleshooting Guide! You have a lawn mower that will not start, maybe you’ve just resurfaced your gas mower from storage or you have been having lawn mower problems for a while, but one key symptom of a problem with your lawn mower is that it smells of …

How To Attach A Grass Catcher To Your Lawn Mower – Our Guide

Our Best Step By Step Guide To Attaching a Grass Catcher To Your Mower To clean mowing clippings from your garden is a time-intensive task that will take longer especially if you have a larger lawn type.  That’s why it’s great to have a lawnmower with a grass bagger, these save you time and help …

Can You Over Tighten A Lawn Mower Blade? Find Out Here!

Can You Over Tighten a Lawn Mower Blade? When the time comes to tighten your lawn mower blade, you might be questioning just how tight a lawnmower blade needs to be, too loose can be dangerous, while too tight could also be damaging for your mower.  You can in fact overtighten a lawnmower blade, an …

Do You Sharpen Both Sides Of The Lawn Mower Blade? Find Out Here!

Should I Sharpen Both Sides Of My Lawn Mowers Blade? Sharpening your lawnmower’s blades is part of essential maintenance for your mower so as it can be performing in the best way possible, on average you will need to sharpen them around twice a year. Many people wonder when sharpening your mowers blades if you …

Do Lawn Mowers Come Assembled Or Are Some Assembly Required On Delivery?

Do Lawn Mowers Come Assembled Or Are Some Assembly Required On Delivery? If you’ve just recently bought a lawnmower and are eagerly waiting for its postal arrival, or you’re planning to purchase one- you’ll likely want to know a bit about the assembly. After all, why opt for a cheaper mower if the assembly will …

Are Lawn Mower Blades Universal? Find Out Here…

The condition of your blade can make a huge difference when it comes to the overall cower performance and cut quality- it’s not exactly the place to cut corners. That’s why you need to give this page a read- so you know everything you need to know. We recommend changing your blade at least every …

How To Repair A Cut Lawn Mower Cable? Find Out Here!

If you’ve wound up on this page, it’s highly likely that you’re indulging in some garden work this summer. Mowing the lawn is. both therapeutic and satisfying, but it’s also a dangerous task if appropriate safety measures aren’t in place. If you’ve severed your lawnmower power cables- stop. Don’t attempt to use it until you’re …

Can I Clean A Lawn Mower Air Filter? If So, How?

Instead of spending hours searching for your lawnmower’s exact model so that you can clean its air filter, find out some universal methods that will save you a whole bunch of time and money. Yes, you can clean your mower’s air filter and should regularly as to keep your lawnmower running healthily. An air filter …

Are Lawn Mower Engines 4 Cycle? Find Out Here!

We understand that most people are not professionals when it comes to engine types. If you are unsure what a 4 cycle engine lawnmower is, look no further. While not all lawnmowers are powered by a 4 cycle engine, they are typically the better type of mowers to buy. But why are 4 cycle engines …

What Can I Do With A Lawn Mower Engine? Anything Useful?!

Do you want to know how to make the most out of your old lawnmower engine? We have thought of a few ways you can recycle your old engine that beats throwing it away. There are plenty of ways to repurpose your lawnmower engine – both as a new engine and as a key component …

How To Service A Ride On Mower! Find Out Here!

We have compiled a list of the 3 most important service tasks you must do to keep your ride on mower running smoothly. You are able to complete 3 key servicing tasks for your ride on mower by yourself, but if left poorly maintained then you will have to pay for a professional service. To …

How Should You Clean Under Your Lawn Mower? Find Out Here!

How Should You Clean Under Your Lawn Mower? (Safely!) We have figured out the best method to keep your lawnmower as clean as possible without much effort on your part. All you need is a firm wire brush and a garden hose. Then scrub at the deck of the lawnmower until all the built-up grass …

Does A Riding Lawn Mower Charge Its Own Battery? Find Out Here!

What Charges A Battery On A Lawnmower? Lawnmowers, big or small, I’ve maintained a lot of them over the years, including those with problematic battery’s – but how exactly do they recharge the battery? A ride-on lawnmower charges its own battery and this is done – usually –  through an alternator. The battery will start …

How Many AMPs Does A Lawn Mower Use? Find Out Here!

How Many AMPs Does A Lawn Mower Use? I’ve replaced a lot of lawnmower batteries in my times and I’ll be honest, I’ve got it wrong a few times! Though that was a while ago and I’ve learnt the error of my ways. Every lawnmower will vary and it’s important to know how many amps …

Can You Run A Lawn Mower Without An Air Filter? Should You?

Do I Need An Air Filter For My Lawnmower? I like tinkering with things, it’s a man thing I think (Gents, back me up on this one). This has led me to strip down many lawnmowers over the years so I happen to know a thing or two about how they work.  Lawnmowers should not …

How Often Should You Change Lawn Mower Oil? Find Out Here!

Ultimate Guide To Changing Your Lawn Mower Oil! After many years of mowing lawns, I have come to learn the importance of changing your oil and also the best time to do so.  Lawnmower oil should be changed at least once a year. Some people change it after fifty hours of use and that’s a …

How Do You Fix A Flooded Petrol Lawn Mower? Find Out Here!

How Do You Fix A Flooded Petrol Lawn Mower? If you can smell fuel coming from your lawn mower and it won’t start, it can be quite worrying. Have I written off my mower? The good news is, it’s unlikely! If you flood your lawn mower, there are a few things you can do to …

How To Drain Excess Oil From A Lawn Mower? Find Out Here!

Removing Extra Oil From Your Lawn Mower We’ve tried various methods to remove extra oil from a lawnmower and we believe we’ve come up with the ultimate method!  Excess oil in a lawn mower can be removed by, cleaning the top of the crankcase, draining the excess oil, and then replacing the oil filter. As …

Do Landlords Need To Provide Lawn Mowers? Should They!?

Does a Landlord Provide a Lawnmower For The Tenant? It can be frustrating as a tenant or as a landlord to keep up with garden maintenance, and for people who are short term renting, they may not want to invest in a mower, so the question is, should a landlord have to provide one? Well, …

How Much Fuel Does A Lawn Mower Use Per Hour? Find Out Here!

What Is The Fuel Consumption Of a Lawnmower? When investing in a lawnmower, many of us forget about how much fuel our lawnmower will use, which will contribute to the running costs of our petrol mower. The fuel consumption of the average petrol mower could be anything from 1 litre an hour to 1 gallon …

How To Fix Wobbly Lawn Mower Wheels Once & For All!

Our Best Guide To Repairing Your Wobbly Lawnmower After a couple of years using your lawnmower, you may start to notice that the wheel has become wobbly during use, you can start to feel a shake in the handlebars or the wheels are rattling and making more noise than usual. To fix a lawnmower that …

How To Secure Your Lawn Mower If You’re Leaving It Outside!

How To Secure a Lawnmower Which Is Left Outside Storing a lawnmower can be more of a problem than you think, especially if you don’t have a shed outside or there is no space in it left, meaning your probably wondering whether or not you can just leave your mower outside. To secure a mower …

Can I Use Chainsaw Oil In My Lawn Mower?Should I?

Will Chainsaw Oil Work In My Lawnmower? If you running low on oil in your mower and you want a quick solution, you might be wondering if your two-stroke chainsaw oil could do the trick? Well, we tested out chainsaw oil in various mowers and found out some interesting facts. You can use chainsaw two-stroke …

What Is An Auto Choke On A Lawn Mower? Find Out Here!

What Does The Auto Choke Function Do On a Lawnmower? If your lawnmower comes with an automatic choke function, you may be wondering what this choke does in your engine and how it differs from a manual one. The automatic choke in a lawnmower is important to regulate the fuel to air ratio on your …

How To Change The Throttle Cable In A Lawn Mower!

Our Best Guide To Adjusting & Changing The Throttle Cable On a Lawnmower The throttle on your mowers is one of the most essential parts as it ensures everything else is working correctly, especially the speed of the mower’s engine and how fast the blades are cutting, when your throttle fails, you will need to …

How Best To Clean A Clogged Lawn Mower Carburetor (without damaging it!)

How Best To Clean A Clogged Lawn Mower Carburetor? Carburettors on a lawnmower can easily become blocked or stuck with debris over time, causing start-up issues and many different engine problems, so in this article, we are going to tell you the best way to clean it. The best way to clean a clogged lawnmowers …

Do Scrap Yards Take Lawn Mowers? Best Ways To Dispose!

Our Best Guide To Recycling Your Lawnmower Unfortunately, whether we want it or not, our lawnmowers will have an endpoint to their life, and figuring out how to dispose of your lawnmower can be more of a headache than expected. Luckily, most scrap yards do take in lawnmowers for a small price, but this depends …

Are Lawn Mower Blades Tempered? Find Out Here!

Why Are Lawnmowers Blades Tempered? Most of the time you will find that lawnmowers blades are often tempered, this is to improve the overall quality of the mowers blades and help them last longer. The tempering process of lawnmowers blades results in them being stronger and more suited to tougher terrain, this stops them from …

How To Store A Lawn Mower In The Shed Securely

The Best Storage Tips For Keeping a Mower In a Shed Storing our lawnmowers away for winter or at the end of a season is a task which needs to be done correctly so as our mowers can be working efficiently when we turn them back on next season, however, we also need to know …

How Often Should I Service My Lawn Mower? Find Out Here!

Lawnmower Maintenance – How Often Should It Be Done? Everyone knows lawnmower maintenance is essential to keep your machine running efficiently, but it can get confusing when understanding how often we should be doing it, we have found the ideal time scale to be servicing your lawnmower below. You should be performing a service or …

How Many CC Petrol Mower Do I Need? Find Out Here!

What Size Engine Do I Need For My Lawnmower? Figuring out how powerful you need your lawnmower to be can be difficult if your new to figuring out what CC means on a petrol mowers engine, it’s important to get the right cc on your mower otherwise you could be wasting money. The cc of …

Can I Use My 10w30 Car Oil In My Lawn Mower? Should I?

Will 10w30 Car Oil Work In My Lawnmower? Find Out Here! Choosing the right engine oil for your lawnmower is very important, if you don’t you could risk damaging your mower’s engine. Most commonly, SAE-30 is used in a lawnmowers engine, however, you can use the 10W30 motor oil too. 10w30 car oil will have …

How To Increase The RPM On A Lawn Mower? Find Out Here!

Can You Increase Your Lawn Mower’s Speed and Efficiency? Depending on the kind of lawn mower you have and the make and model, you might find that you’re not getting the kind of grass cutting results you want. Maybe your mower blades are rotating too slowly which is causing damage to your lawn, or maybe …

How Can You Tell If A Lawn Mower Crankshaft Is Bent? Find Out Here!

Is There Something Wrong with Your Lawn Mower Crank Shaft? If you don’t know much about all the inner workings of a lawn mower, it can be a bit panic-inducing if your lawn mower suddenly starts making strange noises, vibrating erratically, or acting in other ways that it usually doesn’t. If you’ve experienced unusual lawn …

How To Measure The Correct Lawn Mower Cutting Height? Find Out Here!

Trimming Your Grass the Right Way To the inexperienced third party, this might seem like such a trivial issue – just mow the lawn, who cares how high or low you cut?! But gardeners and garden enthusiasts will know just how big of a difference cutting height can make to a lawn. Knowing how low …

How To Test A Lawn Mower Starter With A Multimeter? Find Out Here!

How a Multimeter Can Help When Dealing with Mower Starter Issues There are few things more frustrating for a gardener than seeing it’s a lovely day outside, getting prepared for a day of garden maintenance, getting fired up to mow the lawn and…your mower doesn’t start. When you’re in the perfect headspace for crossing “mow …

How To Drain Lawn Mower Oil – The Right Way!

Learn How to Drain Your Mower’s Oil Properly When it comes to enhancing a lawn mower’s performance, changing the oil regularly is very important and can prolong the life of your mower significantly. But not everyone knows exactly how to go about draining the old oil. If this sounds like you, keep reading! Your lawn …

Which Lawn Mower Type Is Best For You? Petrol Or Electric?

Decisions Decisions – Electric VS. Gas You probably know that lawn mowers do not come in one singular type and model, and that there are quite a few different kinds out there. Two of the most common that people tend to have trouble choosing between are electric mowers and gas mowers. So, which one suits …

Lawn Mower Storage Ideas For Riding & Normal Mowers

What’s the Best Way to House Your Mower? If you’ve had a lawn mower for some time, you’ll know that in order to keep it in excellent working condition, proper storage is vital. Whether you’re experienced or a novice, some ideas and handy information on how best to store different types of mowers will not …

How To Dispose Of A Lawn Mower – The Right Way!

Getting Rid of Your Lawn Mower Responsibly They say all good things must come to an end and unfortunately, the same is true for lawn mowers. Trusty though our gardening companions may be, they do not last forever, so it’s important to know how to dispose of an old one correctly. We can achieve so …

How Much Does A Riding Lawn Mower Weigh & Why It Matters

How Much Does A Riding Lawn Mower Weigh? If you’ve got a riding lawn mower in your garage or shed and are planning how you’re going to use it more as we come out of winter, you might find that random questions start popping up in your mind. What does a riding lawn mower weigh, …

Can You Overcharge A Lawn Mower Battery? Or Is There A Cut-Off?

Is It Possible To Overcharge a Lawnmower Battery? Lawnmowers nowadays tend to use a 12V lead-acid battery to power there mowers, this battery can be charged easily with a typical charger but might take a while to reach full charge. This long charging time can leave the temptation to keeping your battery on charge overnight …

How To Pick Up Leaves With A Lawn Mower – Find Out Here!

Can I Pick Up Leaves With a Lawnmower? Having trees around your lawn can mean a lot of excess leaves are sprinkled around your garden, making it look messy and taking time to rake, leaving you wondering, can’t I pick leaves with my mower? Well, the answer to that is yes, you can, matter of …

Does Mowing The Lawn Help The Grass Area Spread? Fact Or Myth?

Is It Possible To Help My Grass Spread By Cutting It? There’s nothing worse than a patchy lawn, and nearly everyone desires there garden to be thick and lush, with grass growing everywhere that needs little maintenance. You might have heard of the idea that mowing can help grass spread in your garden, and there …

Petrol Vs Battery Mowers – Which Is The Better Option For You?

Should I Buy a Petrol Mower Or a Battery Mower? If you are looking to treat your garden to a new mower, your most likely stuck between the decision of buying a petrol mower or a battery mower. A while back this would have been an easy decision, as electric mowers had cords, but now …

What Type Of Lawn Mower Gives The Best Cut? The Answer May Surprise You!

The Best Types Of Mowers For a Clean Cut If you wondering what type of mower you should get for the best cut, then you need to look at all the options on the market, including there blades to figure out what suits your lawn. There is no particular type of mower that will give …

Push Lawn Mowers Vs Self Propelled – Which Are Better For What Type Of Lawn?

Is It Better To Buy a Self-Propelled Or a Push Lawn Mower? If you find mowing the lawn a chore, buying the right type of mower for you and your lawn could change this, and make that hour out of your day much easier. When choosing which mower you want to buy for your lawn, …

Lawn Mower Will Not Start After Running Out Of Petrol – Here’s What Could Be Why?

Why Is My Lawnmower Not Starting After Running Out Of Fuel? Due to lawnmowers not having a fuel gauge, they can easily run of fuel before you know it, this isn’t typically an issue as your mower can just be refilled, however, what do you do when your mower won’t start again? If your mower …

How Best To Store Your Lawn Mower For The Winter? Find Out Here!

Our Top Guide For Storing Your Mower During Winter At the end of a mowing season, you might think it’s just okay to put your mower in the shed and forget about it till next spring, not storing your mower properly could mean you will run into several issues when you resurface your mower. To …

How Many Times Can You Sharpen Mower Blades Before You Need To Replace?

When Do I Need To Replace My Mowers Blades Rather Than Sharpen? Figuring out when to replace your mowers blades can be tricky, who wants to pay out for a new set of mower blades when your original ones could just be sharpened again? Leaving you wondering just how many times you can sharpen your …

Why Would Your Mower Blow White Smoke? Find Out Here!

Lawnmower & White Smoke – Our Troubleshooting Guide If you own a lawnmower, you will likely experience some smoke coming out of it at some point, this white smoke can be a little worrying and might cause you to panic, but not to worry, most of the issues that cause this white smoke can be …

How To Sharpen Mower & Riding Lawn Mower Blades Without Removing Them!

Any keen gardener will know the importance of keeping your lawn mower blades nice and sharp, as well as what happens if you don’t. But not everyone knows the best way to go about sharpening mower blades. Is it possible without removing them first? How To Sharpen Mower Blades Without Removing! Whether you have a …

How Long Do Riding Mower Batteries Last & How Fast Do They Go?

So, you’ve got yourself a riding lawn mower and it’s the greatest thing since sliced bread – it just makes cutting the grass so easy! But you still have questions: How long until it runs out of battery? How fast can it go? Read on to find out! Lawn mowers have been around for a …

How To Know For Sure If Your Mower Blades Are Blunt/Dull? Find Out Here!

How To Know For Sure If Your Mower Blades Are Blunt/Dull? Find Out Here? Mowing your lawn can be an uphill battle at the best of times – it’s not a chore most people think of as fun. Blunt blades can make it even more unappealing, but how do you know if your blades are …

Are Lawn Mowers Cheaper During The Winter Months? Should You Wait To Buy?

If you’re in need of a new lawn mower, or you’re thinking of buying your first ever lawn mower, you should be prepared to part with a decent chunk of money. A new lawn mower is an investment, but is there a best time to buy one? Are they cheaper in the winter? The assumption …

Can You Use An Electric Mower On Wet Grass? Should You?

Should You Use An Electric Mower On Wet Lawn? This is a point of contention for many gardeners the world over. It can be so tempting to quickly zoom your mower around your lawn after a bit of rainfall or after your sprinklers have done their thing, but before you do so, keep reading! A …

Will Your Lawn Mower Pick Up Leaves On The Grass? Find Out Here!

If you’ve got trees in your garden, or if you have neighbours who have trees that hang over into your garden, you might find leaf litter to be an issue that’s both aesthetically unappealing and effort to clean up. Could using your lawn mower to pick these leaves up be the answer? Whether the leaves …

How Often Should Riding Mower Blades Be Sharpened? Find Out Here!

When To Sharpen Your Riding Mowers Blades Keeping your riding mowers blades sharp is the best way to get a clean and accurate cut on your lawn, by cutting your lawn with dull blades on your riding mower, you could be ruining the health of your lawn. However, figuring out when it is the right …

How To Know When Lawn Mower Blades Need Replacing? Find Out Here!

How To Know When Lawn Mower Blades Need Replacing? The blades of your mower are without a doubt, the most important part of your machine, it is vital they are kept sharp and in good condition, otherwise, you risk ripping your grass rather than cutting it. It can be difficult to know when your blades …

Should I Sharpen Or Replace Lawn Mower Blades? Here’s Our Advice..

Sharpening Or Replacing Your Mowers Blades – Our Guide When the time comes to inspect your lawnmower’s blades, you might be wondering whether you need to replace them, or just give them another sharpen. By rule, you should replace your blades at least once a year, but if they show signs of irreparable damage such …

Can You Jump Start A Mower With A Car Or Vice Versa? Find Out Here!

Can You Jump Start A Mower With A Car Or Vice Versa? Getting a flat battery on your lawnmower can be disappointing, leaving you unable to use your mower again until you buy a replacement battery, all you hear is the unforgivable clicking noise coming from your mower and you know it is the dreaded …

Why Does My Lawn Mower Vibrate So Much? Find Out Here!

Why Does My Lawn Mower Vibrate So Much? – Our Troubleshooting Guide Lawnmowers are by no means quiet, especially if your mowing over uneven bumpy ground, some shaking noise is to be expected from the engine as it is working hard to cut your lawn. However, excessive vibration can be a sign of a problem …

Why Does The Lawn Mower Keep Cutting Off? Find Out Here!

How To Fix Your Lawnmower That Keeps Shutting Off Having a lawnmower that keeps cutting off after every ten seconds or so when switches it on can be frustrating and time-consuming, leaving you clueless as to what the issue is that might be. Your lawnmower could be cutting off for several reasons depending on whether …

What Causes A Lawn Mower Not To Move? Find Out Here!

Why Is My Lawnmower Not Moving? If your lawnmower is becoming difficult to start, the thought of figuring out what the issue is in these complicated pieces of machinery can be overwhelming and difficult. Your lawnmower might not be moving due to cold weather, bad fuel or a faulty spark plug. Valves and fuel can …

What Is A Mulching Mower? What Are The Benefits?

Mulching Mowers – Our Best Guide If you’ve been looking into buying a lawnmower for your garden, then you’ve probably come across mulching lawnmowers and wondered what they are, and how they differ from regular push mowers. Well, mulching mowers have a similar aesthetic design to push mowers but differ in how they work. Mulching …

Lawn Mower Won’t Start After Winter, Here’s What Could Be The Reason..

Why Is My Lawnmower Not Starting After Winter? There’s nothing worse than putting your lawnmower away after cutting season, only to remerge it from your shed after a couple of months and find it won’t start. Lucky for you, this is a common problem, and lawnmowers do tend to have issues starting after winter and …

Do Lawn Mowers Have Alternators? Find Out Here!

What Kind Of Lawnmower Has An Alternator? Depending on the kind of mower you have, your model might have an alternator. Alternators are used in the powerful engines of mowers to help spin the blades and cut grass. To narrow it down, only riding mowers have alternators and push/petrol-powered mowers don’t. This is due to …

How To Lay Gravel Over Grass? Find Out Here!

Perhaps there is not enough time to look after the garden lawn, or maybe the garden needs a complete make over. Whatever the reason, with its low maintenance and suitability for almost all types of garden, more and more homeowners are thinking of replacing their grass lawns with gravel. If it’s to completely replace the …

Electric Mower Overheating, Why Is This & What to Do?

Two men went to mow…. And it over heated? It’s time to mow the grass. Not having been mown for sometime it’s a bit on the long side, some might say overgrown. Anyway, the mower hasn’t been used since the end of last summer, so it needs an outing and the lawn needs a good …

Can You Use Car Oil In A Lawn Mower & Would It Do Any Harm?

Can You Use Car Oil In A Lawn Mower? Lawn mower engines are precision engineered, and as such need to be maintained properly for them to work as they should. It goes without saying that part of the maintenance programme for a lawn mower engine is changing the oil at least once per year and …

How To Sharpen Lawn Mower Blades Without Removing Them?!

How To Sharpen Lawn Mower Blades Without Removing Them?! A lawn mower is an essential tool to maintain the health of a lawn. For it to maintain the lawn in tip top condition a lawn mower must have a “healthy” sharp cutting blade. If the blade has nicks in it or is blunt, more likely …

Electric Mower Left Out In The Rain – Could It Cause Damage?

Left The Mower Out In The Rain? Read On To See What Can & Cant You Do! So, some idiot in your household, not the usually  “tech savvy” you of course, has gone and left the lawnmower out in the thunderstorm that happened last night and the mower, being electric, is now utterly ruined. Written …

How Long Does An Electric Mower Last? Find Out Here!

How Long Does An Electric Mower Last? Let’s Find Out! There are two types of electric mowers, corded and cordless. Corded mowers have rechargeable batteries while corded mowers rely on extension cords to work. Electric mowers are more cost-effective than their gas-powered counterparts. The longevity of an electric mower can be as long as 10 …

Are Push Lawn Mowers Any Good? Worth Your Money?

What is a Lawn Mower? A lawn mower is specialized gardening equipment used exclusively to cut grass in peoples’ domestic/residential properties. Most lawn mowers are made up of a series of rotating blades which are either manually or mechanically operated, and which when rolled over grass, cuts the grass evenly over the area where it …

Is It Good To Water Grass After Mowing It? Find Out Here!

While keeping a well maintained green lawn is everyone’s wish, achieving this is a different story. There are many dos and don’ts when it comes to lawns but you can still have healthy-looking grass using simple steps. It is important to choose the right mower for cutting the grass regularly, watering at the right time …

Are Electric Mowers Worth Your Money?

Are Electric Mowers Worth Your Money? Lawnmowers have a well-manicured history and have evolved from humble push reels to powerful garden mowers. As people migrated into suburbia, they acquired larger lawns which are quite common in these homes. Unless you’re looking to make a jungle of your home, cutting and maintaining the grass in your …

How To Sharpen Lawn Mower Blades Without Removing Them

Lawn mowers are undeniably a hugely important tool for the gardener. Whether you’re a casual spot of gardening type person, or a full blown green fingered fanatic, the lawn mower is a pretty essential part of the gardening routine. Keeping your lawn mower blades sharp is so important! Often people don’t even look at how …

Soil Test Kits – How to Use and Where to buy them

Soil testing, not too many people know about this little trick, that can really make an enormous difference to the health of your plants. If you have the perfect soil, your plants are going to grow quickly and beautifully. Today we’re going to talk about how to use a soil testing kit, to ensure your …