Why Does The Lawn Mower Leave Clumps Of Glass Behind – Find Out Here!

Why Does Your Mower Leave Clumps Of Grass Behind? A well-mowed lawn is a staple of any garden, but one can run into many problems while trying to maintain it. One such problem you might be struggling with is your mower leaving behind clumps of grass – this is a common problem, and one with …

Can You Fix A Lawn Mower Wire? Should You? Find Out Here!

Can You Fix A Lawn Mower Wire? It’s frustrating to have your lawnmower cable suddenly cut, and you can’t use your mower even though the engine’s perfectly fine.  Obviously, the first option that comes into mind is not replacing the unit but fixing the mower cable.  And, yes, you definitely can fix it – but …

How To Reseat A Lawn Mower Tire? Our Guide Here!

It is recommended that you check the manual for your lawnmower to see how to reseat the tire. The first thing you should do is take off the wheel cover. The next step would be to remove the old tire. Next, you should clean the inside of the rim with a rag or paper towel. …

When To Replace Lawn Mower Belt And How? Complete Guide – Read Here!

When To Replace Lawn Mower Belt? Lawnmowers are handy tools that help us keep our lawns neat. We should take care of them by making sure they’re well maintained.  A lawn mower uses a belt to turn the blade. The blade turns at high speed, which causes friction between the blade and the belt. Over …

Can You Start A Lawn Mower Without The Pull String? Easy Options – Find Out Here!

Starting A Lawn Mower Without The Pull String Lawn mowers are very useful tools for homeowners who want to keep their grass neat. They come in various sizes and shapes, and some even include attachments such as edgers and trimmers. That said, different lawn mowers work differently, so there’s no one answer to the question, …

What Causes Lawn Mower To Surge? Read Here!

Lawn mowers are powered by gas, electric or diesel engines. The gas engine is the most popular. When you start a lawn mower, it must be properly primed or charged before it will run. The primer pumps fuel into the engine and allows it to start. This can cause a surge if the lawn mower …

How To Fix Dry Rotted Lawn Mower Tires? Read Here!

What is dry rotted lawn mower tire? Like most people, you probably don’t give much thought to your lawn mower tires. But if they’re dry and cracked, they can cause big problems. This article will show you how to fix dry rotted lawn mower tires and restore your mower to full functionality. Can you repair …

How To Repair A Cut Lawn Mower Cable? Find Out Here!

If you’ve wound up on this page, it’s highly likely that you’re indulging in some garden work this summer. Mowing the lawn is. both therapeutic and satisfying, but it’s also a dangerous task if appropriate safety measures aren’t in place. If you’ve severed your lawnmower power cables- stop. Don’t attempt to use it until you’re …

How Do You Fix A Flooded Petrol Lawn Mower? Find Out Here!

How Do You Fix A Flooded Petrol Lawn Mower? If you can smell fuel coming from your lawn mower and it won’t start, it can be quite worrying. Have I written off my mower? The good news is, it’s unlikely! If you flood your lawn mower, there are a few things you can do to …

How To Drain Excess Oil From A Lawn Mower? Find Out Here!

Removing Extra Oil From Your Lawn Mower We’ve tried various methods to remove extra oil from a lawnmower and we believe we’ve come up with the ultimate method!  Excess oil in a lawn mower can be removed by, cleaning the top of the crankcase, draining the excess oil, and then replacing the oil filter. As …

How Can You Tell If A Lawn Mower Crankshaft Is Bent? Find Out Here!

Is There Something Wrong with Your Lawn Mower Crank Shaft? If you don’t know much about all the inner workings of a lawn mower, it can be a bit panic-inducing if your lawn mower suddenly starts making strange noises, vibrating erratically, or acting in other ways that it usually doesn’t. If you’ve experienced unusual lawn …

Lawn Mower Will Not Start After Running Out Of Petrol – Here’s What Could Be Why?

Why Is My Lawnmower Not Starting After Running Out Of Fuel? Due to lawnmowers not having a fuel gauge, they can easily run of fuel before you know it, this isn’t typically an issue as your mower can just be refilled, however, what do you do when your mower won’t start again? If your mower …

Why Would Your Mower Blow White Smoke? Find Out Here!

Lawnmower & White Smoke – Our Troubleshooting Guide If you own a lawnmower, you will likely experience some smoke coming out of it at some point, this white smoke can be a little worrying and might cause you to panic, but not to worry, most of the issues that cause this white smoke can be …

Why Does My Lawn Mower Vibrate So Much? Find Out Here!

Why Does My Lawn Mower Vibrate So Much? – Our Troubleshooting Guide Lawnmowers are by no means quiet, especially if your mowing over uneven bumpy ground, some shaking noise is to be expected from the engine as it is working hard to cut your lawn. However, excessive vibration can be a sign of a problem …

Why Does The Lawn Mower Keep Cutting Off? Find Out Here!

How To Fix Your Lawnmower That Keeps Shutting Off Having a lawnmower that keeps cutting off after every ten seconds or so when switches it on can be frustrating and time-consuming, leaving you clueless as to what the issue is that might be. Your lawnmower could be cutting off for several reasons depending on whether …

What Causes A Lawn Mower Not To Move? Find Out Here!

Why Is My Lawnmower Not Moving? If your lawnmower is becoming difficult to start, the thought of figuring out what the issue is in these complicated pieces of machinery can be overwhelming and difficult. Your lawnmower might not be moving due to cold weather, bad fuel or a faulty spark plug. Valves and fuel can …

Lawn Mower Won’t Start After Winter, Here’s What Could Be The Reason..

Why Is My Lawnmower Not Starting After Winter? There’s nothing worse than putting your lawnmower away after cutting season, only to remerge it from your shed after a couple of months and find it won’t start. Lucky for you, this is a common problem, and lawnmowers do tend to have issues starting after winter and …