How To Replace A Recoil Spring On A Lawn Mower? Easy Guide – Read Here!

How To Replace A Recoil Spring On A Lawn Mower? Are you here because you’re having problems starting your lawn mower? Had a hard time pulling the cord, heard a weird sound, and now the cord is stuck and not going back? Don’t fret; we got you.  While taking your machine to a professional mechanic …

Do I Need A Circuit Breaker For Lawn Mower? Let’s Find Out!

You don’t need a circuit breaker for your lawn mower. However, if your home has a circuit breaker, you might be able to use it. If you have a regular wall outlet with a plug attached, it’s possible that you could use it. Can you get electrocuted by a lawn mower? No, you can’t get …

Are Lawn Mower Ignition Coils Interchangeable? Find Out Here!

Interchangeable Lawn Mower Ignition Coils You may have a lawnmower that needs a new ignition coil. You may also have an extra ignition coil lying around your garage. Are the coils interchangeable? The short answer is yes; ignition coils are interchangeable. However, there are some things you need to take into consideration before making the …

How A Lawn Mower Transaxle Works? Read Here!

Lawn mower Transaxle Function A lawn mower has a lot of moving parts. The most important of which is the engine. But what about all of the other parts?  The transaxle is the part of the lawn mower that transfers power from the engine to the cutting blades. It comprises several gears, and it can …

Do Lawn Mower Belts Stretch? Read Here!

What You Need to Know about Lawn Mower Belts People often ask if the belts on lawn mowers stretch. The answer is yes, but how much they stretch depends on many factors. There’s nothing worse than getting ready to mow your lawn and discovering that your lawn mower belt has stretched and broken. This means …

Are Lawn Mower Engines Interchangeable? Find Out Here…

Are Lawn Mower Engines Interchangeable? If you’ve owned a mower for a few years, you may find that the power or cutting-effectiveness has dropped recently, and it just isn’t what it used to be. This is the case with many mowers, even the very expensive ones- eventually, deck/engine corrosion will take a toll and ruin …

How Do You Start A Lawn Mower In The Cold Weather? Our Guide

My Lawn Mower Is Not Starting In Cold Weather – Our Troubleshooting Guide! As temperatures drop during the seasons, you might find that the cold weather is having an impact on how your mower engine starts, stubborn mowers might restrict valves or even stop the oil flow.  To start a mower in cold weather, you …

What Can I Do With A Lawn Mower Engine? Anything Useful?!

Do you want to know how to make the most out of your old lawnmower engine? We have thought of a few ways you can recycle your old engine that beats throwing it away. There are plenty of ways to repurpose your lawnmower engine – both as a new engine and as a key component …

How Many AMPs Does A Lawn Mower Use? Find Out Here!

How Many AMPs Does A Lawn Mower Use? I’ve replaced a lot of lawnmower batteries in my times and I’ll be honest, I’ve got it wrong a few times! Though that was a while ago and I’ve learnt the error of my ways. Every lawnmower will vary and it’s important to know how many amps …

Can You Run A Lawn Mower Without An Air Filter? Should You?

Do I Need An Air Filter For My Lawnmower? I like tinkering with things, it’s a man thing I think (Gents, back me up on this one). This has led me to strip down many lawnmowers over the years so I happen to know a thing or two about how they work.  Lawnmowers should not …

What Is An Auto Choke On A Lawn Mower? Find Out Here!

What Does The Auto Choke Function Do On a Lawnmower? If your lawnmower comes with an automatic choke function, you may be wondering what this choke does in your engine and how it differs from a manual one. The automatic choke in a lawnmower is important to regulate the fuel to air ratio on your …

How To Increase The RPM On A Lawn Mower? Find Out Here!

Can You Increase Your Lawn Mower’s Speed and Efficiency? Depending on the kind of lawn mower you have and the make and model, you might find that you’re not getting the kind of grass cutting results you want. Maybe your mower blades are rotating too slowly which is causing damage to your lawn, or maybe …

Electric Mower Overheating, Why Is This & What to Do?

Two men went to mow…. And it over heated? It’s time to mow the grass. Not having been mown for sometime it’s a bit on the long side, some might say overgrown. Anyway, the mower hasn’t been used since the end of last summer, so it needs an outing and the lawn needs a good …