Sharpening your lawnmower's blades is part of essential maintenance for your mower so as it can be performing in the best way possible, on average you will need to sharpen them around twice a year.
Many people wonder when sharpening your mowers blades if you need to sharpen both sides, well, you should not sharpen both sides of your mowers blades, one should be left rough, while the other is sharpened at a 45-degree angle.
So as you can find out why you shouldn't sharpen both sides of your mowers blades, how to sharpen your mowers blades, and some tips for doing so, we have composed a small guide below with everything you need to know.
It is important when sharpening your lawnmower's blades to only sharpen one side of them, if you decide to file both, this will cause them to dull very quickly. If the rough side of your mowers blades has some dents and bumps, then you can pass over them once to iron any issues out.
Mowers blades should be sharpened the ways scissors are, one side sharp and the other dull.
Sharpening your blades has to be done once in a while to make sure your mower is cutting your grass properly and not tearing the blades apart which can hurt your lawn.
We have listed a simple step by step guide below that will help you to file your mowers blades correctly if you are a beginner.
Our step by step guide above tells you how to sharpen your lawnmower's blades without having to remove them, however, there are some tips and tricks you should be following to carry this out safely and smoothly.
Overall, you should not sharpen both sides of your lawnmower's blades as this can lead them to become dull quickly, instead of one side should be left rough while the other is sharpened at a 45-degree angle for effective cutting. Always ensure you are sharpening your blades regularly and check when they need replacing.